Sunflower Power Jelly Roll Rug

Sunflower Power Jelly Roll Rug

Shine bright like a sunflower and spread seeds of happiness with this colorful art quilt in your home. Introducing my new quilting design – Sunflower Power Jelly Roll Rug. To make this sunflower, you will only need 2 shades of dark fabrics and 3 shades of yellow fabrics. I used Northcott Canvas and Colorworks Solids:

  • Northcott Canvas – Ebony (0.5 yd), Charcoal (1.5 yds)
  • Northcott Colorworks Solids – Saffron (0.25 yd) , Daffodil (0.5 yd), Canary (1.5 yds)

SKILLS: You will be sewing with a 1/4″ seam allowance, using a 60 degree corner trimmer or printable template for cutting 60 degree shapes, working with 30 and 60 degree shapes, traditional piecing, quilting with a walking foot or free-motion quilting.

Sunflower Power Jelly Roll Rug Quilting Pattern Sunflower Power Jelly Roll Rug Quilting Pattern

Using this pattern, you can make a round area rug or semi-round welcome mat / table topper (both instructions and fabric requirements are included). To make this rainbow table topper I used fabric leftovers from the round rug + a few colorful scraps from my stash.

Sunflower Power Jelly Roll Rug Quilting Pattern

This design is perfect for kitchen! Why not make a few different sunflowers and switch them up for a change.

Sunflower Power Jelly Roll Rug Quilting Pattern Sunflower Power Jelly Roll Rug Quilting Pattern

Upcycling pays tribute to pre-loved materials. This project is great for using up small fabric scraps from your stash or denim strips from your old jeans. We all need a thriving planet, so let’s upcycle with style!

Upcycled Sunflower Rug From Old Jeans

Where there is sunshine, the happiness will never fade away. This design is inspired by the beauty of Ukrainian land and is dedicated to my family in Ukraine. Happy crafting!

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