Sewing With Kids

Sewing With Kids

I started sewing at a very young age…first by hand, then on a sewing machine. When I was 12 years old, I helped my grandma grow tomatoes to be able to buy my first sewing machine with my own money. The scent of fresh tomatoes on the vine is still one of my favorite smells, as it reminds me of times spent with grandma.

When our granddaughter was visiting us this summer, we decided to do some craft shopping and she picked a cute fabric in Fabricland. I thought that pajama pants would be a great first project for her to make. Luna is only 6, but I believe it’s never too early to start sewing, especially when it comes to making memories together. Sewing is a wondaful craft to learn, while having good times with your little ones.

Here are a few tips for sewing with kids:

  • Pick a quick and easy project
  • Use quilting cotton
  • Reduce the speed on your sewing machine if you have this option
  • Use a small step stool for the pedal
  • Pay careful attention when the needle is moving, kids like to talk while pushing the pedal

We had SEW much fun with Luna because she is SEW awesome, and we even made a few SEWing jokes together!! I can’t wait to crafts with my little sewing diva again. 

Sewing With Kids Sewing With Kids 

Sewing With Kids Sewing With Kids


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