Chainless and Standing Double Crochet

Chainless and Standing Double Crochet

Chainless Double Crochet (dc) 

Chainless double crochet (dc) is a great way to start a new row/round by elevating your hook position without using chains. It helps to create invisible joins when working in the round and your turning edges will look nicer when working in rows. Here are the steps.

  • Enlarge the first loop to the approximate height of your dc stitches and hold it firmly against the hook with your index finger (do not let it go until the last step is completed); twist and turn the hook towards you, wrapping it around the loop on the hook.
Chainless Double Crochet Step 1

  • Yarn over and pull it through the wrap on your hook while still holding the loops firmly.
Chainless Double Crochet Step 2
  • Yarn over and pull it through the remaining loops on the hook releasing the initial hold; dc made (see VIDEO below).

Standing Double Crochet (dc)

Standing double crochet (dc) is another great option to omit chains at the beginning when it comes to starting a row/round with a different yarn. 

  • Make a slip knot and hold the loop on the hook.
Standing Double Crochet Step 1
  • Yarn over and complete the stitch as usual (see VIDEO below).
Standing Double Crochet Step 2

How to Videos

I love using the Chainless and Standing Double Crochet stitches in granny squares. They create a clean and professional finish to my projects. Give them a try! 


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1 comment

Thank you so much for this information. I always hated how the connecting spots looked in my finished granny square. This is a game changer!

Linda Neff

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